Separation of single lines of traffic, to guide vehicles around or through a temporary obstruction, to form a barrier between contra flow traffic on motorways or dual carriageways etc. all of which can only be crossed by emergency vehicles.
- Dia.: 100mm
- Height options give us a call : 46cm, 76cm or 100cm.
- Material: Polyethylene (Anti-aging)
- Colour: Red
- Sleeves: White retro-reflective. Cellular construction.
- Base: (Optional) click link to view Base
Size: 27cm Dia.
Material: Recycled materials.
Colour: Black
- TRAFFIC-LINE Memory Posts. Flexible properties of this post enable it to recover several times even in sub-zero temperatures.
- Alternative Stronger option Click link for the TRAFFIC-LINE Flexible Posts. The link joint in this post enables it to recover after being hit or run over many times.